BF Cameras

TMT Furnoscope® LWIR

Visualize your top-cone

Based on infrared emissions the BF camera generates a real time video of the interior of a BF. With improved dust penetration capabilities and increased temperature ranges, BF cameras have become an important tool to visually evaluate the interior of the BF top cone.

Product Highlights



Visual validation of the BF process, the BF top cone and the installed equipment

  • Latest camera sensor allow for significantly improved dust penetration as well as a visualisation at lower BF temperatures
  • On blast maintenance possible

Integrated solution with dedicated TMT software

The camera probes are supplied together with dedicated software. The software is able to easily exchange data with the existing automation systems. Dedicated HMI stations are available for process data visualization and condition monitoring of the probe.

Get in Touch

Further information

If you have any requests, questions or needs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will answer your inquiry as fast as possible.
