Clay Gun

Precise, repeatable
and safe plugging

Your Benefits

Taphole protection

Sophisticated control solutions prevent damage to the taphole structure and refractory (soft touch)


Clay guns are relevant for processing safety. Reliability and availability guide the design.

Cost reduction

Tempering technology reduces clay consumption and maintenance efforts.

Product Range and
Design Features



Multiple performance levels and sizes are readily available to optimally match your blast furnace requirements.

Ultra high wear resistant barrels and barrel sleeve solutions exceed standard barrel lifetime by multiple times.

By application of high performance tempering technolgy even the most demanding clay masses can be processed.

The clay gun in operational use

Best possible combination with TMT controls

Controls span from full automatic manless casthouse operation to simple manual operation. Specially developed algorithms like "soft touch", "interval ramming", intelligent hammer control, etc. provide complete process flexibility and record process data.


Get in Touch

Further information

If you have any requests, questions or needs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will answer your inquiry as fast as possible.
